One night, I went out with a friend who encountered difficulties in expressing his sexy side. This person knows how to talk, but any flirting, touching or guiding is impossible to understand for him. No matter how hard he tries, he can't get rid of it. I realized that the only way I can convince him is to desensitize the system.
The best way to overcome fear is to act. You start with the easiest way to achieve goals and gradually increase the challenge. Every success you experience will eliminate your anxiety and prove to you that progress is possible.
Know your insecurities and defenses. Now there are all sorts of nonsense in your mind that make you want to give up. For example: "She doesn't like being hit up", "I might scare her away", "She is not that kind of girl", "This is not me", etc. All these excuses come from our sense of insecurity, not the truth.
Do you really know if your friend finder wants to be hit up? Do you know what kind of girl she is? Is she a slut or does she like you? You really don't care to meet a good girl to have a one night hookup? If you have never done it before, how do you know if this is "you"? You have seen porn, often think of hookups. These desires are definitely part of you.
I used to be the kind of person who believed that women were sexually assaulted. I believe that it is impossible to kiss her within 15 minutes of seeing a girl. I swear that talking sexually at the beginning of the conversation is boring. I am very wrong. I have felt free since I changed my idea.
Be consciously aware of the defense mechanisms you use. The most effective way is to write a diary, Writing things down can help you become more honest and understand yourself more deeply.
Write down your defense mechanisms when you use them. Try to understand why you are doing this and list how they are based on false beliefs. Then, when they appear in certain situations, remind yourself that you should not accept their legitimacy.
Write down your sexual experience in detail. List your insecurities, failures, successes, and how you feel about them. Be honest with those that are difficult to express, and where you feel you need to improve.
Only when you know and accept your pain, can you make a plan to cure them.